IoT Catalyst Device Manager

IoT Catalyst comes with a full-blown, production ready, IoT Device Management capability that enables device manufacturers, service providers and end users to:

 -  Stay in touch with their devices. Improve customer satisfaction by real-time monitoring of state of the IoT devices and edge services enabled by them.
 -  Remain under control. Efficiently perform bulk management and maintenance actions over device fleets - from a single integrated control plane.
 -  Simplify operations and support. Reduce costs, by automating complex device management and service provisioning tasks with the help of a dedicated automation service

It enables clients to configure, monitor, update, diagnose, and provision their gateways, sensors and devices remotely. By combining it with the IoT DevOps services of IoT Catalyst, our solution allows customers to grow from prototyping to operating as full-scale IoT-enabled enterprises.



 - Agent based, fully configurable, lightweight solution
 - Network abstraction: no need of IP visibility. All the operations are managed by a high-performance, secured MQTT broker
 - Small footprint : certified to run on constrained devices such as RaspberryPI zero
 - Tested and verified scalability – used in the biggest Telcos IoT BMS rollouts
 - Provides complete control of thousands of devices from a single control plane
 - Highly configurable: you can create your own script and update campaign
 - Observability: full observability of system logs, campaign status, MQTT traffic, remote console from a single control plane